What children deserved to get after a divorce?
Parents are not only focused on the divorce case that they are facing. During the court hearing, the divorce case will be talked with the judge and legal attorneys to hear out both parties. After the case is adjourned, it is not the end of the legal actions. The divorce attorney will secure the welfare and future of the children by talking to both parties. The family court child maintenance singapore is covered under the family law in the state, in which parents still have their responsibilities and obligations to their kids. Spouses who have legally separated after the divorce case will be free from each other but not with their responsibilities and obligations to their children. The family court in Singapore obliged parents to support the financial and welfare of their children even if they are divorced. The children’s maintenance is legal security of the kids to get the amount of maintenance they deserve. Anyone of the mother and the father who has the custody of the children will receive a payment for the children’s financial needs.
Consult with the divorce lawyers
The divorce lawyers in Singapore will not just guide and advise the spouses during the counseling. These are attorneys who stand as their representatives during the court hearings. When both parties agree to go under marriage counseling, then these legal professionals can help with the counseling sessions. But, when speaking about the child’s custody and maintenance, they are also the right individuals to get legal advice. Divorce lawyers can advise parents on what and how they process legal actions for the maintenance of the children. The right amount of maintenance will get paid or collected according to the agreement of both parties, which is the separated mother and father of the children. To secure the future of these children, the amount of maintenance is given to them for the food, education, clothing, and other essential needs.
Now, if you are a parent and want to understand further about children’s maintenance, there is a free consultation in this divorce lawyers’ physical office. You can also book online for the consultation schedule.