If you are cutting material in an industrial setting, you realize the importance of accuracy. While you do have many tried and true methods of mechanized slicing, there may be no more accurate option for you than laser cutting. Today we are looking closer at lasers as a method of industrial slicing and how it has several advantages over traditional mechanized cutting tools.
Laser Cutters In Brief
Although there are different kinds of laser cutters, in general, they have the common design of using a highly concentrated beam of photons that concentrate on a precise spot to cut through metal, wood, glass, or a number of other natural and synthetic industrial materials. These lasers are capable of making cuts all the way through the material, shaping edges, and even engraving on the surface of materials. They are usually programmable and utilize Computer Aided Design (CAD) to manufacture their cuts individually or as part of a mass assembly process. They have been installed into manufacturing elements ranging from auto bodies to mass market jewelry.
The Benefits of Lasers in Your Workplace
When fully programmed with CAD software and automated with a feed table a laser cutter is able to run through its routine with minimal supervision. It also is considered safer than processes that have more moving parts. Given the proper configuration, a laser cutter will be able to finish jobs and create products faster than any other form of cutting. The reliability of this method, with accurate and identical cuts every time, is a boon to businesses as well as machine operators who have had to work around dangerous blades in the past. The accuracy of the lasers make cuts smooth and clean as well as wasting less material in the cutting process. This may seem minuscule in a single cut but over the course of a product run, it could glean significant savings in terms of material. Laser intensity ratios are also adjustable so that you can get identical results from different materials.
Types of Laser Cutters
Although laser cutting mechanisms are adjustable, certain types of cutters work better for specific materials. If you are going to work primarily with wood, for example, you will want a different model than the one that is intended for high volumes of sheet metal. Choosing these specialized cutters over ones that are designed with general materials in mind is that they will use less time and energy to accomplish the same results. Some designs, such as a gas laser cutter, is not intended to cut metals at all. The crystal laser cutter, however, uses its solid-state laser to work on a wider array of materials. Although conventional wisdom would say that this is the best option, it may be prohibitively expensive if you only have one material to work with.
A fiber laser cutter may be a more affordable option for working with many materials and tends to have a much longer working life than these other types. all of these types have a distinct advantage in terms of energy savings over other cutting methods and you can save up to 40Kw of electricity per device by using laser cutters.
With all this taken into consideration, we hope that you can see why laser cutters are a more efficient way of cutting in your industrial workspace. For more information on how laser cutters can become a part of your manufacturing business plan Contact Us for today for a consultation.